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Useful Resources

Panic Attacks - What Causes Them and How We Can Avoid Them

Panic attacks are very frightening and the thought that you might have another one can trigger another one. CBT has been shown to help reduce the grip of panic on our lives.

How Mindfulness Calms Our Physiological State - Mindfulness for Kids

Being mindful helps us to calm our physiological response to stress. Check out this helpful video about how kids can use mindfulness to manage stress and stressful situations.

What is Mental Health

We all deserve mental wellness. Mental wellness is not just about a mental health disorder or diagnosis.

You are not Your Thoughts:

Great Video for Teens and Kids

How our thoughts influence how we feel and in turn influence our actions

What is CBT?



Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic modality that helps people to recognize how thoughts impact our emotional state and our behaviour. CBT has decades of clinical research to support efficacy in treating anxiety, depression and other mental health challenges.

What is EMDR?

EMDR has been found to be clinically effective for conditions like PTSD, C-PTSD and other diagnoses resulting from trauma.

10 Mental Illness Signs You Should Not Ignore

Important signs and symptoms

telling you to seek help. 

Neuroplasticity: How Our Brains can Change 

Our brains can change when we learn the skills to help ourselves. 

We can strengthen and change our brains. Cognitive behaviorual therapy and other techniques create changes in the brain.

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